Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Why does the heart love what is not good for it. Why do the eyes long for that glimpse which is merely an illusion, why do the ears wait for those words which hold no meaning and are not true. Why do these arms crave for the warmth of those that will not comfort them for too long? Why is the there always that one person who will always have your heart. The pain of love is that sweet poison that will last forever. Love is the hardest to let go off be it first or the last, love lasts forever…..

The comfort of being lonely is like the comfort of the pain of that dagger that has been in your back for so long now that the pain has become a part of your existence.
The desire to trust has been lost in the attempts of trying not to.
Running has become a part of the routine, what we run from we don’t know. One day we look back and see that we have run so far that we don’t know where we belong and who we truly were. We long for that child within us to smile and laugh in a world that has no sorrows. To walk light and proud like the shoulders have no weight, to walk in the sand of life freely without worrying about dirty feet. To soak in the sun fearless of getting burnt, to jump into the ocean of love without any inhibitions.
It is so easy to mend a broken toy, how does one mend a broken heart.
Time they say heals all wounds but who will take away the scars.
The deeper you dig the more dirt you find, this is a superficial world a life based and judged on what lies above , commodity is the magic word. Riches, sex and love have become commodities to fulfill desires and wants, we have forgotten about needs and requirements. The world has become a selfish and ruthless body and I’m struggling to cope with it. This is not a world I dreamed of it is not a life I wanted, however who we to decide are. The path is chosen we are puppets attached to invisible strings. We think we are free and powerful. We are so wrong and so far from the light.
Ask the tree under which Buddha became The Enlightened One what knowledge is, ask the swan what beauty is ask the owl what wisdom is. Ask the turtle what pace is. Stand in front of the ocean and you will know what great is. Stop gloating in the warmth of your own existence look at the horizon and you will know how insignificant your being is.

1 comment:

Amit Gauba said...

Why can't we do it???
May be the human psycology is like that.
But practice helps clearing it off. Drop your ego, stay open, stay genuine, stay creative.
Whatever eyes/heart/ears want, enjoy that with an open mind although it comes along with reality bites but still going in and coming out comes with practice.

Definitely everything is becoming a commodity because we are running away from ourselves. We can move towards ourselves by staying more consious. There is struggle coping but to some extent it happens.

We are puppets :) Really we are! So thats why we have to learn to take life as it comes.

Good writing Amrit
cheers!!! keep writing.