Thursday, December 28, 2023


 Where did the mail vans go ?…

The wishes stayed …..

Where did the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow go?..

The rainbow still shows…

Where did the fun in jumping in puddles go?…

The puddles still fill up…

Where did the silly laughing at random jokes go?…

The jokes are still cracked…

Where did the fun in long drives go?…

The roads still span out…

Where did the joy in climbing a tree go?…

The trees still stand tall with welcoming branches…

Where did you disappear?…

I still look in the mirror & wonder…

Saturday, February 4, 2023

The Moon

 The storm passes & the calm returns,

Night falls, day breaks;

The roller coaster too goes up & down,

We breathe in to breathe out,

Water simmers to a boil,

Flowers wither to bloom again,

The sun sets to rise again;

Through all of this the Moon stays in the sky smiling on…..

The moon knows thats how life goes on….

Smile on …. As long as you have your Moon you know its all going to be good ;

Theres no other way that its meant to be;

Its all meant to be good & will be good … said The Moon :)